Lighthearted Tips to Make You a Better Leader Podcast 59
Simple Tips to make you feel better about yourself in this Better Leader Podcast.
74. Ride your bike to work once a week or more.
75. Give away bus passes to encourage others to save gas.
Simply thinking green. Let your workforce drive this effort. Start an Alternative Transportation Committee to facilitate other travel methods and educate the employees about options.
76. Soak up the sun for five minutes a day. It will help your complexion and make you feel better.
There are many proven benefits of Vitamin D, including an increased immune system, as well as lowering risks of some cancers. Don’t turn a few minutes in the sun into dangerous exposure though. Simply enjoy the outdoors, smile at the center of the solar system, and let your face be warmed. It will be reflected in your complexion and attitude.
77. Schedule time in your day for yourself. Enjoy it quietly.
Every day needs to include time for you, if only 10 minutes. This is a challenge for those of us with kids and work and home. Even if the time alone is the drive from daycare to work, turn off the radio and external noise, state your gratitude, and be in joy if only for the moment.