Need a Little Sanity?
Join the Tribe and See It Happen
We know you. We get you. We are you.
MONTHLY training assignments in women’s leadership and professional development
- Small group trainings online with personal input from Katie
- a library of brief podcasts to refine your natural skills as a woman
- a library of easy workbook assignment: questions, assessment, or a model
- auto-responder courses emailed to you when you want, like taking a class when you want
- A free 12-lesson course called “Mini Skirts,” valued at $149
- Access to Katie, a certified and crazy-experienced Leadership Coach
MONTHLY topics that rotate to focus on what you do as a woman that is naturally strong and unique
$27 monthly for all your leadership training
Cool! So you’re at this page because you’re thinkin’ about making some changes. I like that.
It makes me wonder what’s driving you. So fess up. What is it in your life that needs the nudge?
Are you needing to get unstuck?
Maybe your life is an endless trail of unfinished and frenzied activities so you’re feeling super-stressed?
Oh I know … last week you were in such a hurry that you ran into the ladies’ room with your cell phone barely resting in your back pocket. You know what happened next … splash.
I know what it’s like dealing with the whirl and the emotion. Try my situation: a 5’ tall, female, blonde engineer, and in a technical world of male techies, despite being an experienced professional alongside them. (That’s me … Katie)
Then toss in family, community life, neighborhood activities, and 2 active kids … recipe = out of balance and unsure of my capability to DO IT ALL.
And you know what? It affects your self-confidence!
Now I have a flexible self-employed job, I control my own schedule, and I don’t feel frantic and ineffective, especially when outnumbered by confident men. (That sounds like an infomercial ….)
I have published 2 books and stopped counting my followers at 1000 some time ago.
I am asked to come speak to women’s groups regularly, with the most common feedback being “So inspirational!”
So I invite you …. Get on board with me and Carol at Skirt Strategies.
It’s a regular dose of training (in small pieces, thank God!) and the sense that you’re in a pack of like-minded women all experiencing the same thing.
Oh yeah. SO it’s not free. But it’s pretty damn cheap. It’s only $27 a month.
$27 monthly for all your leadership training
Here’s the part where we address all your complaints:
Waah: That’s’ too expensive .
Really? One glass of wine costs more than that … usually … and you won’t have to tip me. Are you putting your self-worth at that little? Don’t even go there.
Waah: It’s not measurable enough. I don’t see your secret formula.
Which internal measuring device speaks to you?
A sanity-meter?
A leading-my-life-well meter?
Then picture that meter in your chest, close to your heart, right behind that bra of yours (which by the way costs LOTS more than $8).
Waah: How do I know it’ll work?
But don’t even dole out a buck until you have a good feel that it’ll work for you. If you ever find yourself blabbing with other women about your stresses and your desire to be better at managing yourself, then it’ll be a good fit for you.
Ergo, allow me to outline the membership.
- A different monthly topic about women’s leadership each month, including a training video
- A little training each week in that area; a specific assignment on a 1-page pdf and a short podcast to listen to
- An additional online course ready to take whenever you are ready ($179 value included)
- Discounts when we offer webinars and teleseminars
What makes us at Skirt Strategies different?
We understand that the women’s dilemma has not been solved. Our workplaces aren’t designed for a woman’s life, or her career. No wonder you’re crazy.
What’s possible? You can get focus and you can get control if given the right tool. Our training and regular accountability will help you.
What is different now? Research is proving that a woman’s position in the workplace is critical. So women are gaining more attention, and companies are wanting to take advantage of that. That’s why you should take advantage of that!
Here’s what you will be expected to do:
Dedicate time each week to get your crazy but smart little self focused. At least start out with focus then hey … We will send you an email with an assignment in the form of a podcast and a 1-page workbook assignment.
Invest a little time in YOU – I think it was L’Oreal that said “You’re worth it.”
Drive home your professional development. Get better at what you do and how you make an impact.
Then you may actually have the time to use that L’Oreal product that you thought may be worth it.
Testimonials – just listen to our fans.
I feel powerful now, and I feel I have more energy than I’ve had in a really long time. – Lisa Adkins, technical entrepreneur
I use this every week. I love everything you pass along. Don’t change a thing. – Sue Neal, restaurant distribution executive
Katie really just so impressed me and blew me out of the water with her experiences and her techniques and leadership – Gina Cardinali, researcher in healthcare
No frills. Just a good product that will support you each week.
AND …. You will be among other women who are all on that same train …. Let’s support each other! Let’s support the cause.
If you are not happy with the membership. I will refund you your investment for up to 6 months.
Katie Snapp
PS – here’s the recap
- You want a little more sanity in your weekday.
- You now see that the answer lies with you and your self-management.
- Being a better leader and developing professionally would definitely help.
- You’ve just learned there’s a wedge opening up for women in business.
- Voila – get some help from Skirt Strategies with our weekly training advice and setting an intent for the week.
I’m going to slap that button on here one more time …..
$27 monthly for all your leadership training
We guide professionals to gracefully move into positions of leadership. Through our experiential workshops and membership community, we help women learn to communicate with authority and self confidence, manage with natural leadership tendencies and uncover and refine a clear professional style that gets women noticed and heard.
o Hot Flash Video about Leadership areas of focus including: Building Working Relationships, Work-life balance (it doesn’t but you can), Male-dominated workplaces, Managing Criticism, Using your intuition to get ahead, How to negotiate your next raise, Communication Techniques for Women in the C-Suite.
o Forum/Blog on the monthly leadership topic.
Forever and a day:
o Access to the ever-growing library of online training that we offer in small podcasts and assignments. Perfect for holding yourself accountable.
Skirt Studies Online Course:
o This is a 12-week self study course that separately sells for $147. Begin it at your own convenience.
Discounted registration on upcoming regional conferences, webinars and speaking events.