Leadership Coaching Stats

The Predictability of Coaching

How effective has executive and manager leadership coaching been? Here are some leadership coaching statistics.

Results of a study conducted by Manchester, Inc. of 100 executives primarily from Fortune 100 companies:

Among the benefits to companies that provided coaching to executives were improvements in:

Productivity (reported by 53% of executives)
Quality (48%)
Organizational strength (48%)
Customer service (39%)
Reducing customer complaints (34%)
Retaining executives who received coaching (32%)
Cost reductions (23%)
Bottom-line profitability (22%)


Among the benefits to executives who received coaching were improved:

Working relationships with direct reports (reported by 77% of executives)
Working relationships with immediate supervisors (71%)
Teamwork (67%)
Working relationships with peers (63%)
Job satisfaction (61%)
Conflict reduction (52%)
Organizational commitment (44%)
Working relationships with clients (37%)


What some coaching clients have said about their sessions when asked:  What was noteworthy for you?


“I was struggling with showing my employees how I appreciate them.  I am so excited to be using some of these rewards with them.””I was skeptical about coaching in the beginning. Now I am  modeling coaching at home with spouse. I feel more confidence now as a manager and came to realize being a manager isn’t rocket science. I’m not as far behind as I thought. I feel less fear. Conversations are more efficient.””I feel more confident, and I have confirmation on how I am leading.  I am headed down a path that I chose.  Every day I can learn and grow rather than thinking I am here for earning a buck.  I have confidence in this career path.”

“I’m more direct as a manager as a result of coaching. Don’t beat around the bush anymore in difficult situations. Have a plan now and follow up with negative and positive feedback with employees. This new behavior in me will have a positive influence on what people say about me and they will see me as more decisive. My next goal is to address teaming well. It needs quite a bit of work. Coaching has been pretty good. I was skeptical at first but found it helpful.”