Encouragement for Consultants by Coach KatieI’m with you, sister. I, too, am a consultant and I live those frustrating ups and downs. Where’s the encouragement for consultants when you need it?

We all have advice for what has worked best for us, but sometimes we need to just hear it from someone else. I offer encouragement for consultants here, plus, as is my usual self, I give it to you in a training format. It’s something that’ll help you right away.

A recent survey of my followers led me to capture some encouraging advice for you fellow consultants. This short video lines out three areas that I feel we strongly need to remind ourselves.  Thanks to the followers at Skirt Strategies and the Time to Fly! Coaching Course for responding to the survey.

WATCH THIS!!! It’s a 5-minute video training is my input to you and will help you regain some clarity on what you’re doing. Let me know what else you’d add to my list of advice.

To help you develop the big picture of your business and to plan against the downsides of your business, I urge you to look into the Time to Fly!  Course for consultants or begin with our webinar on Building Your Consulting Confidence.

If you are the type that digs being a part of a more powerful force, check out the Skirt Strategies community. We are an online support for women in leadership and positions of influence, so that you can manage yourself with more poise and strive to build your professional development skills.  Please join our mailing list to find power and get tips.