happy hour blogThe story behind the Gender Balance Revolution
Would you call it a revolution? Or is it just that I seem to be in the middle of it and looking, so I see it more often. I feel certain that we are hearing more lately about women wanting to become better leaders, women seeing themselves as more natural leaders, or...
What’s Hanging on Your Proverbial Door?
My neighbor moved away a year ago, and I miss seeing small signs that her house was taken care of. Small gestures such as seasonal lights around the door, flowers adorning the driveway, or a welcome mat at the threshold had sent the warm message that someone is taking...
Your Personal Flair When Spreading Joy
Have you ever actually thought about the number of people that you touch in a single day? Really? One day soon, just start counting. The husband bringing you morning coffee, the neighbor you wave to on the morning walk, the employee at the drive-through, the friend on...
Little milestones: a daughter’s confidence
Last night my youngest child took the car out to visit a haunted house with friends. She is 16, the youngest of two, and this was her first after-dark adventure. When she came home at 9:15, there was a noticeable difference in her. She appeared composed, confident,...
Why You’ll Never Have It All
Is this a SAD-BUT-TRUE story? True – yes. Sad - no. Our expectations for work-life balance are unrealistic, so we will always fall short of them. That is the sad part. There is no work-life balance – only work-life juggling. Women are natural overachievers. Our...
Natural Skills – how do I know which I have
Imagine you entered a meeting room and immediately felt the cold stares at you. You had no idea what was discussed right before you entered, yet you could sense that you missed something and that it somehow must have reflected on you in some way. What's with that?...
You touched your face! You must be lying.
This month's training content is all about communications and, girl, are there lots! For example, take the fact that I just substituted "girl" for "boy," which was my original text. When you say "boy," it comes off more like a "wow." When you say "girl," you get a...
The Gender-Balanced Workplace – A beautiful sight!
What is so different about gender-balanced workplaces? If you have ever worked in such a place, you know it. Rosabeth-Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School defines the tipping point at 30%. In most leadership studies, we are barely at 20%. We don't have to rule the...
Lessons in Laryngitis
God has wreaked his wrath upon me ... he took away my voice. Going on Day 3 of non-verbal torture. The corollary lessons that have surfaced have not gone unnoticed, though. After all, I so often tell clients the power of communication self-control by doing more...
Surrounded by the enemy? Lean in!
Recently I was introduced to someone who reminded me how two people might see the world so differently, but let me set the scene. We were at the tennis courts at my country club, a place that you might guess was conservative and "clubbish." Now, I lived my summers at...
Women in Leadership – is it that depressing?
First, it is exciting. Recent findings are ALL pointing toward significant skills brought to the workplace by women. Wonderfully beneficial skills such as: inspiring, the ability to sense undercurrents, and mentoring. All these are perfect complements to the...
Dealing with Embarrassment
Do you think you are alone in this? NO NO NEVER. Everyone must have a time when embarrassment reigns. And where does this affect you as a leader? When stressed or tested, we all have an internal conversation with ourselves, called our self-talk, that uncovers a...