by Katie Snapp | Nov 9, 2016 | Happy Hour Blog: Leadership For Women
From Techie to Manager: Changing Your Spots What’s the deal with all the pain in moving up into management? And why is it so much more difficult in a technical job? I regularly hear from women who are experiencing the pain of transitioning upwards, despite the...
by Katie Snapp | Jul 13, 2016 | Happy Hour Blog: Leadership For Women
Great Offices How Intentionally Designed Systems in Your Workplace Can Make it Great You’ve heard of the difference between the hard issues and the soft issues. (Enter your own joke here) In a workplace, we can readily spot the systems that involve tools or...
by Katie Snapp | Dec 29, 2015 | Happy Hour Blog: Leadership For Women
Email Etiquette – 5 Deciding Factors Seen emails that make you cringe? Or worse yet, have you ever wondered if YOU are the email etiquette violator in the office? There are plenty of flubs that can cost you your professional appearance and dignity. Improper...
by Katie Snapp | Jul 15, 2015 | Hot Flash Video
At Skirt Strategies training, we believe in a woman’s natural tendency to influence and lead well … but it doesn’t always come out. If you are the type that digs being a part of a more powerful force, join our mailing list to find power and get...
by Katie Snapp | May 13, 2015 | Happy Hour Blog: Leadership For Women
When To Use A Facilitator SITUATION: You are in a meeting in which the conversation is ineffective, or unfocused, or just dragging on and on. Pick one, because I know you’ve been there! You may or may not be the one in charge … and there’s no shame...