Conquering Fear and Self Doubt

It’s not unusual to question yourself occasionally, right? Self doubts are normal. But why is it that women take it to a different level more often? Something about not being good enough, or feeling outnumbered, or just being way too affected by the...

What Trust Gets You: 7 Elements of TRUST

Who ever said you had to trust EVERYONE you work with? And what about people that just rub you the wrong way? Well there’s a whole workshop we have that addresses the building of relationships in the workplace, but if you are interested in what factors are at...

Communications – Quick Tips

Let’s just solve world hunger while we are at it! Big Topic! And we get into just a few areas in order to keep your effective communication fine-tuned, like changing the dialog into a question. Join the conversation with Katie & Carol about ongoing...

Women in Leadership: What a Dilemma!

Pink is the new black, but being a woman in a male dominated environment can be challenging. Don’t even begin to talk to me about mental baggage and work-life balance! But recent research is validating our natural skills, and luckily, they are ever-so compatible...
Skirt Strategies- NBC Ad

Skirt Strategies- NBC Ad

Women have natural strengths in leadership … yet we are sorely under-represented in US business positions. Learn the importance of developing your own skills. TRANSCRIPT Did you know that in 2009, studies concluded that 51% of the workforce is now made up of...