Are you coachable:
An assessment to determine your readiness for a coach
Before looking for improved leadership performance through coaching, check yourself out!
Take this test to see whether coaching is right for you. If so, your leadership potential just went up. Wahoo!
- Do you have the time to devote an hour to coaching once every 1-2 weeks?
- Are you willing to look at your situation with a fresh perspective?
- Are you willing to try on some new approaches to conducting business or relating to others as a leader?
- Do you see a gap now between where you are and where you want to be as a leader?
- Are there day-to-day issues that hinder your productivity?
- Do you recognize self-defeating behaviors that limit your leadership effectiveness?
- Do you sometimes lose clarity when you look at the day ahead or during the day when a change in plan occurs?
- Do you need customized leadership skills based on your situation, and prefer them delivered and tested confidentially?
- Are you confident that a coaching partner is a good fit for you rather than a therapist or counselor?
IF you answered “no” to 3 or more of the above items, then coaching might not be the right answer for you. Personal growth counseling may be be in the form of coaching for you, consulting, or behavioral health counseling. Your options may need to be more carefully weighed. If you would like some “coaching on your coachability” (hmm sounds funny), contact me.
IF you feel reassured by your “yes” answers that coaching is appropriate for you, then let’s get started! You can either do some more research on this site, as well as others that I link to, of you can contact me directly.
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